Saturday, January 13, 2007

Google Coop - Librarian Book List Tool

This looks like an interesting tool -
Friday, January 05, 2007
Librarian's Booklist Search
As promised, I have used the Google Coop website to create another customized search. It called Librarian's Booklist Search. The intent of this tool is to find online booklists from libraries.
Check out the full post and tool at

Here's another one:

Free access to Britannica online articles
The Encyclopaedia Britannica Online,( the one you pay for normally, is now offering free access to its online articles for web authors of all sorts and their readers--in a roundabout way. When a blogger or webmaster is reading an EB abstract, you can now click on a button named "share full article with your readers." You then get code that will link into the full article, which you can then post on your website, blog, wiki, or whatever. What does EB get out of this? People linking to their site, which helps them with site rank in search engines.

At any rate, this could be useful for libraries with news blogs--link to the EB article relevant to whatever you're writing about.

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