Monday, January 15, 2007

Programming Tutorials and Fancy barcodes

Programming Tutorials
Looking for some techie tutorials? Add to your list of places to check. There is a huge range of tutorials available--on design, Photoshop and other image editors, CSS, and tons more--some in languages other than English as well. Check it out!

found via Sites and Soundbytes
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Fancy Schmancy barcodes Aaron Schmidt gives us some examples of pretty, spiced-up, fun-to-look at barcodes on his blog, walking paper, and asks the question: "Could you grow your users affection towards the library by turning something otherwise unnoticeable into something clever and unique?" There are dozens of fun barcodes from the Japanese company Barcode Revolution.

I'd love to see a library barcode their movies with barcodes appropriate for genre, just as a starter. I guarantee you'd get comments from users. And since we're one of the few industries that actually re-uses barcodes (not using them just for a one-time retail sale), I would think the company would be interested in our business.

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from "LibrarianInBlack"

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